Don't have a badge and not planning to buy one? Don't worry, you still can solve the tasks the same way as everyone else.
1. Grab a card from The Payment Village (Las Vegas Convention Center, W202). You need to have contact SCR3310 or contactless ACR122 reader to read data from the card. We can let you one if you don't have any, come to our equipment checkout section.
2. Set up the Point of Sales Simulator
Download the files from our telegram group or use this link
Install python3 and the following dependencies:
apt install swig
apt install pcscd
(you don't need these if you run POSSim on Windows)
pip3 install requests
pip3 install pyscard
3. Running the Point of Sales Simulator
To access the help menu, run: -h
Card Hacking Challenge / Virtual POS / Relay Emulator
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-H, --hook-data Use data hook function for data processing
Reader ID
-I {contact,cless}, --interface {contact,cless}
Interface type (contact or contactless)
Transaction amount without (,) E.g. for $10.01, enter 1001
-F, --faulty Faulty terminal, generates static UN
Check that the POSSim is working and able to see the ACR122U/SCR3310 reader:
Run: -A 100 -I cless -R 0 -F
If everything works successfully, you will get a message showing that it has been processed in our infrastructure:
4. Now you can emulate the MiTM attack, by running -H. This will take rules.json file from the current directory and substitute APDU data according to the rules:
{"9F2608": "9f2608aabbccdd11223344",
"7724": "77289a02ff00"}
-H flag runs every request and response through a data hook function that reads the rules.json file and adds/substitutes TLV tags:
string = binascii.hexlify(data).upper()
for key in rules:
value = rules[key].encode().upper()
pos = string.find(key.encode().upper()) # changing only one tag
if (pos>=0):
length = int(key[-2:], 16)
if ((length*2)!=(len(value)-len(key))):
trailen = pos+len(key)
trailen = pos+len(value)
string = string[0:pos]+value+string[trailen:]
print ("Data hook, send_fragmented: %s" % send_fragmented)
print ("After: %s" % string)
Don't have a card? Don't have a reader? NO WORRIES! Adyen provides a virtual POS available at Watch this video to learn how to use it.