Magnetic Encoding

This first exercise introduces you to magnetic data storage and how it relates to credit and debit cards. Whilst this might seem like legacy technology, much of modern payments is built upon magstripe. It's therefore important to understand how magstripe works.

Links to decode visual image of a magstripe

Link to buy ferrofluid, pipette and petri dish in a single package

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Tracks made visible with ferrofluid

close up of Track1 and Track2

Q1. Were you able to see any data on your card?

A. The answer should be yes!

Q2. How many tracks does your card have? 

A. there could be to three tracks of information; Track 1, Track 2 and Track 3.  If only two tracks of information are visible, this is perfectly acceptable for bank cards. It is common for bank cards to have Track 1 and Track 2 encoded. Track 3 was intended to be dynamically updated.   

Q3. How does magnetic encoding work?

A. Magnetic encoding works by translating the data to be stored into binary zeros and ones. The card writer contains an electromagnet. Changing the direction of the current of electricity changes the polarization of the magnet within the electromagnet. As it passes over the magnetic stripe of the card, the magnet permanently orientates each section of the magnetic stripe in either a north facing or south facing direction. Each binary zero or one is represented by a corresponding north facing or south facing magnet. This is why the magnetic stripe looks like a series of bars when exposed to the ferrofluid. When the card is swiped through a card reader or payment device, the signal input changes depending on the direction of the magnet that is read. The computer reads this information as a zero or a one. Once complete, the computer translates all the binary values into corresponding alphanumeric values at the application level.  

Credit Card Imprinters

In this video you will learn how card payments were made without a Point of Sale (PoS) terminal.

Early PoS

In this video you will see an example of an early Point of Sale (PoS) terminal from the 1980s that is still in circulation today. In fact Verifone only stopped supporting this model in 2013!

How does magstripe data relate to NFC and CHIP?

In this video you'll learn how the information from different sources on the card is in fact closely related.

Comparing different sources of track information

In this video you'll learn how to read information from the magstripe and CHIP interfaces of a card and you'll learn how to interpret the data structure.

Link to emv utils

SCR3310 (for reading CHIP cards)

Amazon US

Amazon UK

msr605x (magstripe reader/writer)

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Comparing different sources - second example

In this video you'll learn how to read information from the contactless/NFC interface. 

Link to download Card Reader Pro (Google Play store)

A closer look at Credit Card Reader Pro

In this video you'll learn how to use the Credit Card Reader Pro application to access information about your contactless card.

Link to download Card Reader Pro (Google Play store)

8. Looking for vulnerabilities in your own cards


SCR3310 (for reading CHIP cards)

Amazon US

Amazon UK

msr605x (magstripe reader/writer)

Amazon US

Amazon UK


Look at the different types of card security codes from CHIP, NFC and magstripe.

Understand the type of Card Security Code (CSC). Is it static or dynamic?

Reproduction steps:

9. Testing for vulnerabilities in your own cards


Blank cards

Amazon US

Amazon UK

Payment terminals (requires sign up)

Square for magstripe

Amazon US


Amazon UK


Try to replace CSC from the magstripe for another type of CVV (iCVV or dCVV).

Make a payment

Analyze the results.

Reproduction steps:

Structure of Track data on magstripe 

Structure of Track equivalent data on CHIP/NFC